Our Top 4 Simple B2B Sales Tips

B2B Sales Tips

By Justin Vanhartingsveldt

Simple B2B sales tips that you can start doing today!

B2B sales and marketing plans require a little more strategy than selling to consumers. You have fewer leads to work with and generally more at stake when trying to close a deal. Here are a few B2B sales tips to help you rise above the competition.

b2b sales tips


Know their business:

Understand your leads and their business model. This may seem like a simple B2B sales tip, but it is an important one. Spend some time on their website and check out their blogs. Get the inside scoop on their business by signing up for their newsletter. If their company is active on social media, follow them. If not, target and follow a lead within the company. Blogs and tweets tell a lot about a company’s priorities and culture. If you want to sell to them, you need to get to know them.

Tailor your communication:

Gathering information about your leads is only the first step. If you want to be successful in B2B sales, you need use that information to customize your solution to their business. If you are using the same pitch for every lead, you aren’t maximizing your chances of making a connection with your B2B leads.

Appeal to their business sense:

This is a B2B sales tip that everyone needs to learn. When calling a new B2B lead you already have one major factor in common: you are both in business trying to increase profits. Use this simple goal as a rallying point to build your relationship. Present your company as an empathetic business partner who understands their problems and helps to solve them.

Less talking, more listening:

Business owners and managers are busy people who don’t have time for long pitches and drawn out conversations about your product or solution. However they tend to forget about their busy schedule when given a chance to tell you about their business. Remember, they are in business too, and talking about their business should be very comfortable for them. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about their company and uncover further opportunities for partnership.Learning more about your B2B leads and giving them an opportunity to tell their story will help you create a relationship and build solutions that will bring value to your clients while increasing profits for your business.

At SaleEvolve, we help companies that are struggling to build these relationships and increase their B2B sales. We’re happy to listen to your story and discover how we can help you too; but we might not know you yet so be sure to click here to contact us.

For similar Sales Minded articles by Justin Vanhartingsveldt, we encourage you to visit him on Linkedin.

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