change management

Image transitions from left to right. Left: Man sitting at a cluttered desk in a cluttered room with papers flying around. Right: A man looking over the clear ocean at a sunset with a briefcase in his hand.

Essential Transition #1 – Business Building to Strategic Growth

By: Justin Vanhartingsveldt As a business leader in a growing company, you will eventually find yourself at a junction where the activities you perform daily become inadequate for creating real strategic growth. This guide explores the critical transition of working in your business to working on your business, and offers insights into navigating this shift […]

Essential Transition #1 – Business Building to Strategic Growth Read More


Managing Change During a Pandemic—Pause, and Start from the Beginning

A Reflection Piece by Mark Wolters, Co-President & Co-Founder, SalesEvolve Change Always Comes with Opportunity and Choice Recently, I’ve had a lot of conversations with people, from all walks of life, who are managing change in various ways and see this current pandemic from completely different perspectives. Many of the perspectives I have been hearing

Managing Change During a Pandemic—Pause, and Start from the Beginning Read More

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