3 tips to rock your next sales call or presentation

Making a sale is always an exhilarating and exciting time. But to make the sale, there is always that all important sales calls or presentations.

Here are some of our common sense tips to rock your next opportunity:


sales calls and presentations.

1. Make sure you are on time and come prepared

Being late happens to the best of us, but showing up unprepared or late for a sales call or presentation can become a real issue. It sends the unintended signal that your schedule is more valuable than the customers. And the last thing you want is the appearance that you are dishonest. Showing up prepared, and on time, shows that you are serious about the opportunity, serious about the value you offer and respectful of the customers time. This is always the right way to start off a sales call or presentation

2. Talk less, listen more.

The temptation to start a sales call or presentation with your perfected pitch is always an urge that a salesperson has to fight. The right goal to have is to find out exactly what your customer needs, and the only way tot find that out is to ask questions and listening. If your voice is the only one you hear, you aren’t doing what you should be.

3. Lean positive over negative every time.

What you say about your competition, says more about you then it does about them. Instead of tearing down the competition, even if you are tempted, remember that your words are important. Your goal is to show your customer what you can do for them, not what your competition can’t. Have faith that your solution holds value on it’s own, without belittling the competition.

At SalesEvolve, our passion is sales. We are a sales outsourcing company, that focuses on opportunity generation, strategy and full service sales. With numerous clients, and years of experience we are qualified and ready to help with all your sales outsourcing needs. We would count it a privilege to chat with you and looking forward to connecting.

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